Information in English

The Norwegian Tax Payers Association is a membership based association. The main purpose is to help and guide our members in order to pay the right amount tax. Every year we help thousands of members with their tax issues.

Tax rules are complicated, particularly for foreigners and immigrants. As a member in The Norwegian Tax Payers Association, you can receive help and advice from our experienced tax advisors.

The Norwegian Tax Payers Association (Skattebetalerforeningen) can help you with:

  • assistance with your individual tax return
  • answers to general tax related questions – i.e.:
    • deduction for commuting
    • standard deduction for foreigners
    • rules related to children and spouse in your home country
  • information about the Norwegian tax rules
  • designed courses adjusted to your level and needs

As a member you will receive:

  • 30 minutes free tax advice by phone
  • «Skattebetaleren» – our member magazine with focus on tax related topics (in Norwegian only)
  • Access to the member area on our web site – filled with tax related information in Norwegian
  • Reduced fees on assistance with tax card, tax return or other questions relating to the tax authorities
  • Reduced fees on our seminars. Relevant topics to be mentioned: «Working in Norway – tax and related issues», «Working abroad – tax and related issues», «Benefits in kind», «Establishing a business in Norway» and many more.

As a personal member you will only pay NOK 899,- per year, and the membership includes your closest family. You may also choose a business membership at an annual fee of NOK 2750,- This membership includes your entire company and enables you to use the membership for tax queries regarding your company or your clients.

For more information or to sign up as a member, please contact us at +47 22 97 97 00. You may also reach us via e-mail: